Can Microsoft’s New AI Correction Feature Fix Hallucinations?

Microsoft Claims New Feature Can Detect and Correct AI-Generated False Statements

Microsoft claims to have developed a new capability that detects and corrects false or misleading statements generated by AI.

This week, Microsoft introduced a new artificial intelligence (AI) feature designed to address inaccurate outputs from AI models.

The new “Correction” capability will detect and correct errors in AI-generated content, according to the tech giant.

These so-called AI hallucinations will be fixed in real-time “before users of generative AI applications encounter them,” Microsoft stated, with a spokesperson describing it as a “first-of-its-kind capability.”

The feature works by scanning and highlighting inaccurate parts of a response. It can then explain why the segment is incorrect and use generative AI to rewrite it, ensuring the revised content “better aligns with connected data sources,” according to a Microsoft representative.

This feature is part of Microsoft’s Azure AI Content Safety software, which can now also be embedded on devices.

Why does AI hallucinate?