Tesla Cybertruck Battery Armor and Rock Sliders Set for Late 2024 Release

Tesla plans to introduce rock sliders and battery armor for the Cybertruck by the end of the year, enhancing its durability and toughness. These accessories will provide additional protection, even against extreme stunts and rough terrains.

Tesla Cybertruck Lead Engineer Wes Morrill recently commented on upcoming accessories for the highly anticipated electric truck on social media platform X. Morrill was responding to a viral video showing the Cybertruck in a stunt where it drove into fences, allegedly damaging its radiator. His remarks addressed concerns raised by the incident, and he reassured the community about the durability and future accessory options designed to enhance the vehicle’s performance and protection.

Following a social media stunt where the Tesla Cybertruck’s radiator appeared to leak after driving into fences, critics quickly used the incident to mock the truck’s design and alleged weaknesses. However, Tesla Cybertruck Lead Engineer Wes Morrill addressed the issue, pointing out that the truck’s stock bumper and aluminum skid plate, which were removed in the video, are designed to protect the vehicle in such situations. Morrill emphasized that drivers intending to engage in such stunts should avoid removing these critical protective components.

Cybertruck to Offer Battery Armor and Rock Sliders Retrofit by Year-End

In a post on X, Tesla Cybertruck Lead Engineer Wes Morrill announced that battery armor and rock sliders will be available as retrofit options by the end of the year. He added, “Also, if you plan to drive into fences, it’s probably best not to remove the front bumper and aluminum skid plate that come stock.”,” referring to a recent stunt where the vehicle’s protective components were removed.

Tesla Cybertruck Lead Engineer Wes Morrill’s comments make sense given the context. The Cybertruck social media stunt is comparable to someone buying body armor, removing the protective plates, then being surprised when a bullet penetrates it. Morrill emphasized the importance of keeping the vehicle’s stock protective features intact for optimal performance and durability.

While the Cybertruck is arguably While the Cybertruck is arguably One of the hottest vehicles today, it also tends to attract a notable amount of dislike, both from anti-electric vehicle individuals and even from longtime electric car fans. Much of this seems to be due to the Cybertruck’s design, which has been polarizing from day one it also tends to attract a notable amount of dislike, both from anti-electric vehicle individuals and even from longtime electric car fans.

The Tesla Cybertruck has gained popularity among social media influencers, making it likely to be subjected to even more exaggerated and unconventional “tests” in the near future. As the vehicle continues to attract attention, its durability and features are expected to be pushed to extremes by content creators looking to generate buzz online.